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Seemingly Alien Elbowed Squid

A mile and a half (two and a half kilometers) underwater, a remote control submersible’s camera has captured an eerie surprise: an alien-like, long-armed, and—strangest of all—”elbowed” Magnapinna squid. [more at National Geographic] … I am willing to wager, that these things are either incredibly good, or incredibly bad at dancing. ‘Ever see a normal squid do the Charelston? Ne’r a pretty sight. Prof. Aden M.

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Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Yes, it is… but not for any of those reasons portrayed in stop-motion claymation. No, this is the time when artists and musicians tend to release a lot of great new stuff. Magenta (the real one), Bella Morte, Voltaire, Ego Likeness, and ZOMBINA AND THE SKELETONES have all released new albums this month. I have been hooked on Voltaire’s “To the Bottom of the Sea” for weeks. I think he probably wouldn’t appreciate being compared to other artists, so let me just say that it reminds me a lot of what would happen if Squirrel Nut Zippers and Weird Al had a demon-posessed love child who sounded remarkably a lot like Voltaire. It is a bit more serious and thought-provoking in parts than expected, broken up by huge doses of his usual hilarity. This CD is definitely my pick of the season, unless I find something better. Ego Likeness has released 300 and only 300 limited edition CDs of their newest cut, regular issue editions following. I, for one, prefer the idea of having a hand-signed one of 300 […]

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Of Musical Tesla Coils and… Musical Tesla Coils

This compilation is especially for Ms. Babble-Jean Teabag who is currently away nursing a healthy relative back to sickness. It is a collection of videos on musical Tesla coils, compiled by our loyal, trusty, and hardworking intern, Whats-His-Name, the research monkey. These are solid-state Tesla coils, Their primaries run at a resonant frequency in the 41 KHz range, and they are modulated from the control unit in order to generate the tones you hear. No, the electricity is not timed and coordinated to the music: the music is made by these two midi-controlled Tesla Coils! A midi, is of course, is some sort of small electro-magical creature, native to the Russian tundra – and it lives for the opportunity to use its elemental powers to enrich the lives of man. Steve Ward and Jeff Larson, the owners and builders of these Tesla coils, and masters of these highly talented midis, met at Teslathon of all places. Steve is an electrical engineering student at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. So, without much further ado… here are those […]

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Human People Slander Dunwich Again

Humans are at it again this time! From the cover, it seem innogurous enough, howevers Dunwich Horror think Dunwich Horror not deserving of this portrayal… AGAIN! This story, equally lie like the last story, wishes again to paint Dunwich as bad smelly guy, probably with big footprints the size of tree trunks. This in themself is misleading to people because what size is tree trunk? Exactly! Tree trunk have no exact size! Tree trunk can be small like tasty cat, or big like tasty cow – can be short and have candy like tasty child, or tall like tasty moose! Tree trunk come in all shapes and sizes. They say history is written by Victor, and therefore, if your name not Victor, you should not write history AT ALL, especiarey when write lies about dunwich AGAIN! If writing things about Dunwich, or saying things about Dunwich – say them in MUSICAL! Dunwich Horror deserve good MUSICAL, think it better for public relationships, make people know Dunwich Horror am really good guy. Dunwich would like have relations with all […]

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How Wings are Attached to the Backs of Angels

At first I thought this was an instructional video. About twenty birds in, I was informed that it was in fact an art film by Craig Welch, who is apparently quite brilliant and quite adept at animating images on film. Now that I am able to fully appreciate it for what it is, I must say Bravo! Prof. Aden M.

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I found this remarkable gem today whilst floating about on the aethernet. This amazing film with sound was made by KOL-BELOV Film, with music by Theodor Bastard (Saint Petersburg, Russia). I am not quite sure if this is a vision of the future, or of our glorious past, but I feel I speak for all when I say our founders would be most pleased with this feature, whatever its origins. Had I tear ducts and other related body parts, I would surely weep at its beauty. Mint T.

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Want New Inquisitions for Art Galley

As you might have known: Me, Dunwich Horror am occupant of archive as well. Even though they try from time to time, or always, to make me leave archive by spraying things on me and calling me bad smell. What you might not know about things is that Dunwich Horror has found new corners of archive no one knows about, even you, and those corners am currently empty of the sorts of interested things what decorate the archive where humans and others dwell. My annex, as we in art worlds say about art places that are extra, has much need for things to make it more… “placey”, something to pretty up empty space. I need better providers of stuff – here is why: Ready? Okay! Unknown decorators come throughout every day and try to decorate the Dunwich Horror Annex with things… many of which not too spiffy, such as bananna peels, empty milk cartons, styrofoam peanuts, and such. Not to complain, they are not bad decorations – but apparently trucks like these things… A LOT! Each […]

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For the Benefit of Archive Users

Attention Archive Staff: It is with great sadness that I must inform the Archive staff that our annual trip to Chicago for the Wizards and Warbles conference had to be canceled due to difficulties being sustained by the Archive’s means of transportation. Our good auto the Magdalene, simply could not make the trip and had to be taken into the auto fixers for a good going over. We are happy to report it looks as though she will pull through this time, however, enough was not done within time for us to send our representatives to the conference. In light of recent events, staffers are pooling together resources to hopefully make other conferences taking place over the summer months. In an effort to facilitate this endeavor, we’ve placed a variety of Archive items in Miss Etta Diem’s dry goods shop for immediate purchase by interested parties. Most Archive staff are familiar with Miss Diem, but for those of you who have not spent an afternoon drinking or nibbling on any one of her strange teas […]