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Last night I entered the Miskatonic Archives, and through slight of hand and nimble footing I made it into the professor’s office and lab. I found no sign of the Necronomicon, nor could I find any of those books that were acquired by the University through the Dunwich incident. I did however manage to pilfer an impression of Professor Kemy’s scribblings from from a desktop notepad, though nothing as of yet makes much sense at all… But none of what I found has much to do with my current situation, which I will relay to you now, in case these moments are to be my very last… Though I had been quite sly and meticulously nimble in my excursion, I neglected to return with my bag… a bag containing a change of clothing, so that I could arrive at the Women’s Cello Society recital well-dressed and in good time for some celebratory drinking. When I realized this, I was halfway between the University and my intended destination – and, my apartment on Rue d’Auseil being closer, I decided to grab a change of […]