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Tonight and this weekend

Tonight: Seattle WA

Abney Park

September 26th, 9:00pm at HEAVEN
172 S. Washington Street, Seattle, 98104
phone 206-622-1863 | 21 and over | Tickets $13

The Sepiachord Crew WILL BE THERE! At a TABLE! With FREE STUFF!!!

This Weekend:

Eric Adams, Timothy Lantz, and Joanna Estep will all be at the Baltimore Comicon – a wonderful collection of art noir and steampunk artists in one place. If you live in or around Baltimore you should not miss this event.

Timothy Lantz, aka “Archeon” will be there to sell and sign copies of his amazing artwork, as well as his Archeon Tarot.

Eric Adams will be signing and selling his newest issue in the Lackluster World Saga, as well as his collaborative project with Joanna Estep “Reflection”.

Joanna Estep will have copies of “Roadsong” on hand as well as oodles of her amazing artwork. She will likely also be doing custom drawings and signatures.

cover of reflection
above: Reflection by Eric Adams and Joanna Estep

Out this Week:

Bethalynne Bajema’s “Sepia” a collection of beautiful poetry, reflection, and prose set atop a collection of wonderous artwork, is now available for presale. Copies to be shipped in mid-October.

Above: Thumbnails from “some Ghouls Wander by Mistake”

Some Ghouls Wander by Mistake” by Myke Amend is now available for presale, shipping in mid-November. Included are pages of horrid gags, pranks and jokes, set atop a backdrop of horror and lovecraftian strange fiction story, bound together with strange art-noir comic stylings. If you have ever been offended by anything, you probably should not read a single page of it; Otherwise, please take some time to read the 20 page free preview available at