Dunwich Horror am born to humans in Dunwich through special ceremony, and educated in the small house of Dunwich shack, in the neighborhood of Dunwich poophouse and Dunwich tool shed.
Dunwich Horror spend some time back in otherworldly dimension due to malicious smelly old man banish dunwich horror from planet of earth.
After return to earth, Dunwich horror want only be left alone to chomp and crunch and smush invisibly, and urges concerned humans of earth to protect horror from evil staff at Miskatonic Archive.
Dunwich Horror likes in free time smushing and crunching, but also like collect conifers and possums for use in decopage.
Mr. Horror, please refrain from leaving your decoupage creations anywhere remotely near the Archive. They smell bad, frighten the interns, and frankly they clash with the decor.
Sincerely, Babel-Jean Tea Hymn
It was not decopages what smelled bad, it was professor. We am already been over these thing. Dunwich Horror is insulted at Babel Jeans for the very thought of smell be decopage. Dunwich horror is good dunwich horror, dunwich horror like interns, not want scare them away never.